Electrification is key in combating climate change due to its potential to dramatically decrease carbon emissions in the building sector. Find resources here about the transition away from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

Goodbye to gas? Climate fight moves to the kitchen, LA Times

We’re finding pollutants entering the air from using the [gas] stoves... I just don’t want to breathe NOx and carbon monoxide and formaldehyde and other gases... Why not just try to eliminate the risk entirely?” -- Rob Jackson (2021).

East Bay Green Home Tour: Wei-Tai’s Lafayette Home

Wei-Tai & Violet's All-Electric Lafayette Home features solar, ductless heat pump HVAC, heat pump water heater, electric fireplace, induction range, bamboo floors and recyclable carpet tiles, metal roof, and SinkTwice. Featured on 2021 East Bay Green Home Tour.

East Bay Green Home Tour: Kathy & Michael’s San Pablo Home

Kathy Kramer & Michael May's San Pablo Renovation includes rooftop solar, heat pump HVAC, induction stove, Dark Sky lights, reflective roof, bird-safe windows, bidet seat, retractable shade skylights, lower-carbon concrete foundation, and native garden. Featured on 2021 East Bay Green Home Tour.

What's Up With Natural Gas in My Home?, Fresh Energy Article (2020)

The False Promise of Natural Gas, New England Journal of Medicine (2020)

The Battle Over Climate Change is Boiling Over on the Home Front, The Washington Post (2021)

Here's Why Your Gas Stove is Killing You - Samantha Bee

Ready to take the next step?

QuitCarbon.com - QuitCarbon makes it simple with free expert guidance, rebates, and vetted contractors

The Switch Is On - Provides information, resources, information about local rebates, and tools to support homeowners and renters to electrify their homes